22 Jul 2020
Welcome back to all Staff and Students for Term 3.
A warm welcome to Kelly Morris our Business Manager, who will be working at the school every Wednesday and also remotely.
The Department has issued learning guidelines for Term 3.
They are as follows:
* School continue to be safe and operations are in line with AHPPC and NSW Health Guidelines
* All students should be learning on-campus unless they are unwell or have a medical certificate to support their absence
* Schools continue to monitor and plan for any changes in local circumstances that may arise, including changes in health advice or local restrictions
* Principals must ensure that all users of school facilities and visitors to the school site are aware of the physical distancing, health and hygiene measures required by the school, and receive written confirmation of this understanding. Please familiarise yourself with the Community use and visitor guidelines where you can also download the relevant acknowledgement and ensure it is signed by each user and visitor
* Non-essential adults are still not permitted on school grounds or at school events. This includes parents and careers except for face-to-face parent/teacher meetings that are essential (e.g. to discuss disciplinary or welfare matters)
* Principals may continue to restrict, limit or prohibit activities if deemed to be contrary to the advice of the day, and should escalate any issues or concerns to their Director, Educational Leadership.